The Story about Domestic Violence Police man and wife - Part 1 - By Aline Pottier

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I I carried the pain of 6 years of despair and suffering. I can't understand until today why
I survived all this. I also can't understand why I wanted to live after all this, and how can
I live with those memories? I write trying, trying to understand.

II I didn't know anything there. I tried to run away more than 4 times in the early days.
I made some mistakes trying to escape. Unfortunately one of them went to call the military
police. The second was to go to the civil police. But I didn't know anything about there.
But the third time, I already knew I couldn't trust the police. So I didn't look for them.
I walked down the street aimlessly, behind trusted faces trying to get one information:
"Where was the bus station?" Some would not give me the information.

TThat city is so putrid, that people there realize that you are in trouble and walk away,
because they don't want to have problems either. But a few who gave me the information
about where the bus station was, said, "Stay right there," as if it were just around the corner,
and it wasn't! Others said, "You have to get a cab."

But I had no money, just my clothes. These people didn't want to give me information,
much less money for a ticket, a taxi. So I walked, extremely tired, emotionally drained,
and ended up being seen by one of them. One of these disgusting cops.
He was dressed in normal clothes, I couldn't see he was a cop.
And he took me back to that house. Peter arrived a few minutes later.
I will spare you this time from the details of the beating I took.
But I know that I had difficulty breathing through my nose, and in my mouth because
the blood dried inside, because I was thrown on the floor for 3 days without help.
So I didn't want to run away for a while, my recovery was very slow.
I had no physical condition to escape.

After almost 1 month without trying to escape, living that my miserable life of filth,
malaise, hunger, deprivation of my dignity. But I could only think one thing: “run away”.
I had time to think. This time I decided that I had to ask someone for help,
I wanted to borrow a phone, or that person would point me to a place where I could get help.
The first reliable people to appear were two smiling girls. They looked at me.
I was thin, pale, with marks on my face, hugging my body, dying of cold and hunger.
I don’t need to say, they died pitying of me and then let me use the phone.
They looked like tourists, but in a few minutes I realized not, as they began to be afraid
of the questions I was asking them and asked me for the phone again and when
I returned the phone, they walked away, almost running.
They were also part of the scheme: “Don't get involved!” I approached a man on the street,
probably not 50 yet, distracted, but I stopped him. He also looked me up and down.
I knew I was in a deplorable state and so it scared people.
I started talking and explained some things that had happened to me this time and asked
for help. He ripped, sending me back home and staying with my husband.
I approached a few other people who had a very similar reaction,
when I said that Pedro was a policeman, they got scared, and walked away.
People there know that the police are the “boss” of the city, so if they brood over your face,
their life in that city is over. To tell the truth your life is really over.
At that time I still didn't know why they were doing this and I didn't understand that
I couldn't count on anyone there to help me. So I insisted on addressing a few more people.
And I found out I had a women's shelter. I went to the shelter and asked for help.
An hour later, there was a police car at the door.
They shouted for the door to be opened, and promptly one of the women opened it.
Anyone would think: “What shelter is this that opens the door to the attackers?”
I thought that way. But it's because my attacker was a policeman, and
so for me there’s no help. “they threw me at the wolves” without thinking twice.
One of the cops grabbed me by the hair by force, and dragged me out of the place.
The girls cried in fright. Me too. This cop who dragged me was extremely tall and liked to
hit defenseless people. He kicked my body, no matter where it hit. It hurt me a lot.
He threw me into the car anyway, and got into the car, threatening the girls at the
shelter, who consented to agree that they would do nothing to help me.

The car stopped at Pedro's police station, and they took me off by putting handcuffs
on my wrist, I couldn't quite understand what I had done to be handcuffed,
but I felt safe that I was even being taken to the police station. My mistake!
They handed me to Peter's hand who smiled. We entered a room, I shut up and he said:

__ So, Deputy Felipe, my wife, does not stop disobeying me, humiliating me
in front of all of you, I will keep you 4 days stuck here and give her the punishment
she deserves. Felipe smiled, that was how he liked his cops to act.
__ I did nothing ... they have beaten me … - I try to say, but Felipe scream at me.
__ Shut up! - He hit hard on the table raging. __ You shut up! -  He pointed a finger at me
menacingly! "You stay where your husband says!" “You do what your husband says!” -
Everyone got excited agreeing.- "Are we understood, girl?" - 
Gabi said nothing, but now she was afraid, and tears began to trickle down her cheeks.
Delegate Felipe stepped forward, grabbed Gabi by the chin and shouted with hatred:
__ "I didn't hear you answer me!" - He was looking at her with hatred.
Everyone approved by making a certain commotion, the delegate's reaction.
__ When I ask you a question you answer !! - Spoke swinging, hurting her face,
because now also tightened more tightly.
__ Yes, I'll do. I will do what he wants. - Gabi said taking the hand of Felipe trying
to relieve some pain in the chin. He let go of her face and walked away.
__ "Take this woman to one of the cells." Detective Alba puts her on the axes.
Do we have a deal!? - Gabi was very afraid, was no longer at the mercy of a monster,
but several of them. One of them grabbed her arm tightly and lifted her into a cell.
He threw her in the cell, and Gabi didn't have the strength to stand, and fell to the
ground injured. She stood for a while and crawled crying into the corner of the very small cell.

Pedro arrived a few minutes later and Gabi got up in fear, did not even wait for him to
open the cell with the key, and began to speak nervously:

__ Pedro, I'll do what you want ... this time I will ... .- cried softly. __ So I know I made a
mistake, but I will not ... believe me ... I will obey you in everything ... you can do everything ...
I will not fight anymore .... Pedro, believe me, please. - He kept talking, and Pedro just
opened the cell, saying nothing, stood in front of her as if he were a psychopath, and
let her keep talking: __ I'll make the food you want …- Gabi now gestured crying stronger,
and more wildly. __ I'm going to have sex with you anytime you want, I'll tidy up the whole
house …-  Gabi was getting more and more nervous. Pedro approached her, who was
startled, he held her face with both hands, and began to caress her face with his fingers:
_ Are you going, my love? - He was looking at her with a smile on his face.
Gabi shuddered, but answered now without crying so much, because the fear was too
great, and was already paralyzed:
__ I will. Believe me.
__ I believe my love. - Pedro smiled with tears in his eyes. __ I believe.
He caressed her face with both hands. He approached her, giving her a hard kiss
on the cheek. Gabi said crying:
__ Pedro, please ... Pedro, please, don't hurt me. - cried.
Pedro then crying, holding Gabi's head tightly, put his head, about 6 times against the wall,
causing bleeding. Gabi fell to the floor in disagreement, and he kicked her in the back,
in the ribs. Gabi didn't react. Peter kicked her with extreme brutality.
Gabi woke up taking the kicks, and slipped under the corner bunk bed in the cell.
Peter easily, because of his strength, pulled her from under the bed, and began
punching his wife in the face. His punches came so hard that they seemed hammered.
Gabi again lost consciousness. And kept being beaten. She tried to hold his hand,
which caused him more anger:
__ Don't hold my hand! You are disrespect me! Don't hold my hand! -
He kept punching his wife extremely hard in the face. That fell to the floor,
and never came back. A police officer saw Peter beating her this way, and ran for help.
Gabi really had not only lost consciousness now, he was no longer breathing.
The policeman opened the cell, and two more grabbed Pedro away from Gabi.
Officer Rodrigo, started doing heart massage, and mouth-to-mouth breathing on Gabi
and asked to call the ambulance, Gabi had no reaction until the ambulance arrived.
The paramedics saw her lying down on the extremely injured floor, and began to revive
her with relish. Gabi began to breathe ... and Rodrigo was relieved.
He spent about 10 minutes supporting her, and it had not been in vain.
The paramedics just put her on a stretcher and took her by ambulance.

Write and Created by Aline Pottier


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Rosa esta na cama deitada, chorou a noite toda e esta esgotada. Rubião entra no quarto e senta na beirada da sua cama. A observa ainda dormindo e sente vontade de chorar. Rosa acorda ainda com lágrimas nos olhos, e se protege puxando o lencol sobre seu corpo. Sem conseguir pronunciar nada, apenas o observa com pavor nos olhos.

__ Desca vamos comer o desjejum. - Rosa nao responde nada. Somente agora repara seu pulso roxo, e alguns hematomas em seu braço. __ Vamos?
__ Quero ficar aqui. Me deixe em paz aqui, por favor. - disse no final com voz de mágoa, e comecou a chorar de novo.
__ Sei que foi muito traumático para sua primeira vez, eu entendo. Mas não exagere, sou seu marido. Nao é como se tivesse sido violentada.
__fui, fui violentada sim, e pior, por meu marido. - se pos a chorar. mas agora o olhava com muita raiva.
__você me obrigou a isso. Nao tive escolha.
__Voce fez uma coisa horrivel. nao faz ideia do que fez. Matou meu amor por você.
__Amor? Voce não sente um pingo de amor por mim.
__Sim, eu te amo...ou melhor amava. talvez nao ainda como voce queria que fosse, mas eu te amava.
__Eu quero que saiba, que toda vez que se recusar a ir para cama comigo, serei obrigado a te forçar, e quanto mais lutar, mais machucada voce vai ficar.
__Não ve o que esta fazendo? - agora chorava muito. __Lutar? Eu vou te matar se voltar a fazer o que fez ontem á noite.
__Vamos...vamos fazer amor. - Rosa tentou sair da cama, mas Rubião a jogou contra a cama, e lhe deu um murro no rosto, Rosa perdeu os sentidos, e quando voltou estava sufocando em seu sangue. Rubiao subia sua camisola e Rosa levantou tossindo e foi empurrada contra a cama de novo. Rubião notou que ela estava engasgando e a colocou sentada a ajudando. Quando parou de sufocar, Rosa falou chorando desesperada.
__Olha o que voce fez? Olha para mim.- Rubiao sem pensar de novo, avancou sobre ela, e comecou a levantar novamente sua camisola, Rosa gritava, e tentava morde-lo, ate que conseguiu, ele gritou alto e sem pensar virou a mão no rosto dela, a machucando novamente. Rubião com raiva, pegou Rosa, e começcou a distribuir socos, por todo corpo dela. Parou soando, e com as mãos doendo e se afastou dela, que tossia e chorava muito. Rosa ficou deitada na mesma posição que Rubião a deixara com medo dele voltar a ataca-la.


Raposo chega a casa de Rubião e Rosa tenta não recebe-lo, mas ele insiste e Rubiao pede para ela descer. Raposo pediu para Rosa casar com Rubiao em troca da vida dela e dele. E agora esta com as mãos atadas. Se impressiona com os machucados da filha, que tem lágrimas nos olhos, e tenta conte-la.
___filha, o que houve?
___Nada pai.
__Sua filha, tem modos de egua. tive que doma-la como tal.
__Como assim, Rubiao? Voce bateu na minha rosa?
__Sim, raposo. E vou bater todos os dias, se não começar a se comportar. - Raposo fez mencao de partir para cima de Rubiao, e Rosa o conteve.
__Já vi de onde filhinha éguinha puxou tal modos.
__Pai, por favor. - Rosa pediu fazendo o pai sentar, e sentando ao seu lado.
__O que houve posso saber?
__Ela não quis fazer amor comigo, tive que obrigã-la.
__Voce violentou ela?
__Chega Rubiao. Poupe meu pai, dos seus detalhes.
__Como esta minha filhinha?
__Estou bem.
__Não. Não esta. Esta suando frio. Esta sentindo dor?
__Muita, pai.
__Vamos chamar um médico, Rubião. Você pode te-la machucado internamente. - Rubiaõ comecou a ficar com medo, devido a expressoa palida de Rosa.
__Sim, podemos.

O médico terminou de examinar Rosa, que mais uma vez estava apática na cama.
Eu fiz uma sutura interna, ela estava muito machucada. Rubiao, sei das necessidades de um homem, e da dificuldade de sacia-las, mas se fizer isso todas as vezes, vai matar sua esposa.

Rubião entra na cela para conversar com Rosa, ela o abraça com força, mas ele segura seus braços, retirando-os ao redor do seu pescoço.
__ O que houve? - Rosa estranha a atitude dele.
__ Me diz você.
__Eu não tenho nada para dizer.
__Não? Joaquina?
__Não sou quem eles dizem que sou.
__Não? Não mesmo?
__Me pediram para torturá-la. - Rosa engoliu seco. __Vamos nos poupar disso?
__Como? - tinha lágrimas nos olhos.
__Diga quem você é.
__Rosa Raposo, e você me conhece, Rubião. - tinha lágrimas nos olhos.
__Voce sabe quem é Joaquina?
__Mentira, mentira! - Rubião, deu um tapa no rosto de Rosa, que o olhou com raiva. __Sua mentirosa.
__Do que esta falando?
__As coisas vão piorar muito Joaquina.
__Rosa, meu nome é Rosa.
__Você conhece a respeito de tiradentes
__Sim, mas todos desta vila sabem sobre ele.
__tiradentes foi seu pai, Joaquina, mas acho que voce ja sabe disso.
__Você esta louco, Rubião. Isso tem haver com eu ter negado seu pedido de noivado?
__ Já superei sua rejeicao.
__ Nao te rejeitei...pedi um tempo...o meu pai que...
__Seu pai...seu pai....- falou em tom debochado.__seu pai não manda em sua vida. Voce sempre faz o que bem entende, Rosa. - Rosa não teve defesa.
__Vira de costas, vou bater em você com chicote de negro, até voce falar. - Rubiao tinha lagrimas nos olhos, e Rosa, agora chorava com medo.
__Voce esta passando dos limites Rubião.
__Sou o Intendente, Srta. Rosa. - Rosa, olhou espantada com muito medo.
__Sr. intendente, não pode fazer isso comigo.
__ Posso fazer o que eu quiser. Agora, vire-se de costas para a parede. Se não quiser ser amarrada. - Rosa ficou observando, e virou, não querendo ser obrigada, mas virou-se novamente pedindo.
__Por favor, - chorava agora.
__Quer ser sincera comigo?
__Estou sendo sincera, mas você não acredita em mim.
__Vire-se, Srta. Rosa.
__ Acha isso certo? - Naquele momento Rubião lembrou da sua tortura.
__Não é certo, nem errado, é necessário. Mentirosas como você só falam através da dor.
rosa se virou devagar e com medo, Rubião deu uma chicoteada em suas costas, provocando imensa dor. Rosa gritou alto, e começou a chorar, __ Não faz isso, por favor. -Rubião sem pensar deu outra chicoteada, e Rosa correu com medo, suando frio. __ Estou te pedindo, te implorando, não faz isso mais.


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