07:21 |

"Resgate 2" (título original: "Extraction 2") é a sequência do aclamado filme de ação de 2020, estrelado por Chris Hemsworth no papel do mercenário Tyler Rake. Lançado em 16 de junho de 2023 na Netflix, o filme aprofunda a história de Rake, que, após sobreviver por pouco aos eventos do primeiro filme, enfrenta uma nova e perigosa missão: resgatar a família de um criminoso implacável.

Sinopse Detalhada

Após se recuperar de ferimentos quase fatais, Tyler Rake decide se aposentar em uma cabana isolada na Áustria. Sua tranquilidade é interrompida quando um misterioso indivíduo o aborda com uma proposta: resgatar Ketevan, irmã de sua ex-esposa Mia, e seus dois filhos, Sandro e Nina. Ketevan é casada com Davit Radiani, co-líder de uma das maiores organizações criminosas da Geórgia, conhecida como Nagazi, fundada por Davit e seu irmão Zurab.

Após assassinar um agente da DEA, Davit é preso e, incapaz de subornar sua liberdade devido à pressão das autoridades americanas, força Ketevan e seus filhos a viverem com ele na prisão para impedir que o deixem. As condições precárias e os abusos constantes de Davit levam Ketevan a buscar ajuda de Mia.

Tyler, junto com seus parceiros Nik e Yaz, infiltra-se na prisão com a ajuda de um guarda subornado. No entanto, uma rebelião é desencadeada, complicando a extração. Durante a fuga, Davit ataca Tyler e Ketevan, resultando na morte de Davit pelas mãos de Tyler. A equipe escapa em um trem blindado, enfrentando forças do Nagazi e soldados corruptos, e segue para Viena.

Sandro, influenciado pela lealdade cega ao pai e ao Nagazi, contata secretamente Zurab, revelando sua localização. Zurab e seus homens atacam o esconderijo da equipe em Viena. Ketevan repreende Sandro por colocar a família em perigo. No caos, Sandro abandona a mãe e se junta a Zurab.

Após eliminar a maioria dos homens de Zurab, a equipe foge em um helicóptero, mas Yaz é mortalmente ferido. Eles se refugiam na cabana de Tyler, onde ele se reconcilia com Mia, expressando arrependimento por não estar presente durante a doença terminal do filho.

Determinados a vingar a morte do irmão, Zurab e seu tio Avtandil discordam sobre o próximo passo. Avtandil sugere evitar mais perdas, mas Zurab, irredutível, o mata e desafia Tyler para um confronto final. No encontro, Zurab força Sandro a vestir um colete explosivo e a apontar uma arma para Tyler. Sandro, percebendo a verdadeira natureza do pai e do tio, recusa-se a atirar. Nik desarma o colete, e Tyler enfrenta Zurab em um combate corpo a corpo, resultando na morte de Zurab.

Tyler e Nik são presos, mas Mia os visita na prisão, informando que Ketevan e as crianças estão sob proteção. Ela também assegura a Tyler que seu filho faleceu acreditando que o pai era um herói. Posteriormente, Tyler e Nik são libertados por um misterioso indivíduo que lhes oferece uma nova missão em troca de sua liberdade.

Temática de Violência Doméstica

"Resgate 2" aborda de forma intensa a questão da violência doméstica através da relação abusiva entre Davit e Ketevan. A trama expõe como Ketevan e seus filhos são forçados a viver em condições desumanas na prisão, sofrendo abusos físicos e psicológicos constantes. A representação desse relacionamento abusivo serve como um alerta para a gravidade da violência doméstica, destacando a necessidade de apoio e intervenção para as vítimas.

Elenco e Personagens

  • Chris Hemsworth como Tyler Rake: Hemsworth retorna com uma performance intensa, aprofundando as camadas emocionais de seu personagem, especialmente em relação ao seu passado familiar e às motivações que o levam a aceitar a missão.

  • Golshifteh Farahani como Nik Kahn: Parceira leal de Tyler, Nik demonstra habilidades excepcionais em combate e estratégia, além de uma profunda preocupação com a equipe.

  • Adam Bessa como Yaz Kahn: Irmão de Nik, Yaz oferece suporte crucial durante a missão, mostrando coragem e dedicação, embora seu destino trágico traga um peso emocional à narrativa.

  • Tinatin Dalakishvili como Ketevan: A atriz georgiana entrega uma atuação comovente como Ketevan, uma mulher resiliente que busca proteger seus filhos dos abusos do marido.

  • Tornike Bziava como Davit Radiani: Davit é retratado como um criminoso implacável, cujo comportamento abusivo e controlador exemplifica a tirania presente em relacionamentos violentos.

  • Tornike Gogrichiani como Zurab Radiani: Irmão de Davit, Zurab busca vingança pela morte do irmão, adicionando tensão e perigo à missão de Tyler.

Análise Crítica

"Resgate 2" eleva o nível de ação apresentado no primeiro filme, com sequências de combate coreografadas de forma impressionante e uma cinematografia que captura a intensidade das missões de Tyler Rake. A inclusão de temas como a violência doméstica adiciona profundidade à trama, permitindo uma conexão mais emocional com os personagens.

A direção de Sam Hargrave continua a impressionar, equilibrando cenas de ação de tirar o fôlego com momentos de vulnerabilidade dos personagens. A química entre o elenco, especialmente entre Hemsworth e Farahani, contribui para o alto nivel do filme e o torno um grande sucesso. Estamos preparados para O Restate 3! 







Fonte: Women Violence:


Video (3) violência extrema contra a mulher , tráfico sexual de mulheres, novela turca - Atriz Denise Capezza

14:24 |

 Você pode assistir o vídeo clicando aqui


Filme Chinês Love Is Blind, Hate too (2022) - Legendado em português

19:57 |

 LOVE IS BLIND, HATE TOO (2022) - Filme com cena de violência extrema contra a mulher    

Eu me deparei com o trailer deste filme, acessando uns videos no Youtube, como vejo muitos doramas e algumas séries chinesas, logo quando estou vendo vídeos no Youtube, "pipoca" recomendações de vídeos asiáticos, e por "sorte" este apareceu para mim. Vendo o trailer me interessei muito por esse filme, pois gosto de filmes sobre mocinhas indefesas, sofredoras nas mãos de um psicopata. 

Esperei meses para o filme sair e nada, e como não falo nada de mandarim, eu tinha que esperar o filme sair com legendas, pelo menos em inglês. Passaram-se meses e nada! Então um belo dia, procurando, de repente me deparo com o filme completo para eu assistir, mas sem legendas, porém tinha legendas em mandarim. E eu sabia que daria para fazer a tradução do filme e foi o que fiz, espero que curtam! 

O filme fala sobre uma moça chamada Bo, que ficou cega há pouco tempo e tem que conviver com essa nova realidade. A gente percebe que ela é uma pessoa bem medrosa, se assusta fácil por conta desta nova condição de deficiente visual. A atriz que interpreta Bo, é a Kathy Yuen, uma atriz chinesa que não é muito famosa por lá, porém já fez algumas produções desde séries a filmes. Eu pessoalmente adorei o trabalho dela neste filme. A atriz tem uma expressão facial excelente e não se perde nas cenas em nenhum momento, é fácil acreditar que ela é cega e está sofrendo tudo que ela sofre no filme. 

Voltando então ao filme, Bo tem uma dependência emocional e agora física do marido, que a protege muito, desde do que aconteceu com ela. Então o filme começa quando ele irá viajar por dois dias e fica inseguro por deixar a esposa sozinha na casa. A partir de agora o ideal é ver o filme e ver o desenrolar do filme. Espero que gostem! 






ดงผู้ดี Dong Phu Dee thailand MV Natapohn Tameeruks (Taew) ณฐพร เตมีรักษ์ abusive father daughter relationship abusivo women violence violência

11:46 |

MV: Vengeance: A Love Story "Rape movie about vengeance" Nicolas Cage and Anna Hutchison abuse sexual

11:44 |

Movie "When we leave" movie about abusive father and husband, domestic violence violence against women

11:42 |

The Disappearance of Agent K - Part 1 - By Aline Pottier

14:09 |
Sometimes we don't value small things so much, and we don't even remember how
important they are to us. That particular day, everything looked wonderful, when I left
“the cave” and went for some fresh air. It wasn't like it was a few days ago that
I walked out the door of the CIA and just sat on the concrete bench in front of the
square, and watched the beautiful fountain, which was not only a wonder to the eyes,
but also refreshing the day even more. And my mind. But no, it wasn't! It was just air,
coming in dry, but still far more comforting than smelling the rotting stool and piss that
permeated the place. And I had scattered rotten, carrion-scented food, from my blood
spilled on the floor. And it still smelled like my own weeks without bathing.
My nostrils were constantly closed by the drying blood after a beating and sometimes
it was difficult to breathe. On the one hand, it wasn't so bad, at least it spared me all that rot.

In addition to relieving the odors, the draft caused me violent and lasting tremors,
since I did not eat for days, and my clothes were always damp or wet. I didn't even
try to walk, afraid of the reaction of those watching me. He didn't even blink, waiting
for my misstep. I just sat slowly on an old bench that was there, and hugged my lean,
almost naked, and extremely weakened body. I tried to ignore my appearance, and tried
to control myself. Minutes ago, in the cave, I was being beaten, and one man raped me
with his hand while three watched. They shouted encouraging that violence, and even
cursed me. But who were they? They didn't even know me. The punches against my face,
against my abdomen wouldn't stop, hit my arms, my ribs, and didn't even give me
time to breathe. When they stopped a little, I wouldn't listen to them anymore.
There, lying on the floor, I tried to concentrate so as not to faint, as my eyes
darkened all the time.

I prayed every minute that it wasn't the last. I wanted to spend as much time as
possible outside that shed of horrors that for more than 10 days but nothing
happened to me but all kinds of abuse. I have never been in favor of torture,
but everyone in C.I.A is aware that it exists, because we are “obliged” if we want to
have results with terrorists, for example, using such methods.
There have been times when I have had to watch extremely violent videos,
but we are usually spared the worst parts. I remember once being affected by
the appearance and physical condition of a female prisoner who must have suffered
much torture, but after arguing with some colleagues, I decided that it was best to forget.
Now in her place, I didn't want anyone to think that forgetting was best.

But I already know the law in the US. We "terrorists" have no rights, so I can safely see
that I'm fucked! It's been ten days, and so far I couldn't convince them that I have no
involvement with anything. But I am also sure that I would not believe myself.
Actually, I'm not sure what I'm being accused of, they don't give me any details,
just keep repeating all the time that it's no use me lying. Looks like there's evidence
that I spoke to some terrorist and didn't inform C.I.A about it. Sorry if I laugh a little,
but it is because it is ironic that something so simple can end my life.
I was asked for an alibi for three different days. Three days! From a random date
I have no idea what I was doing back then. Fuck! Accuse me of being a bad agent,
of having a fucking memory.But terrorist? So, the truth is, I couldn't report any alibi.
But as I said, sometimes it's hard to remember what I did the day before.
I might laugh now too, but I won't. The bastard sitting in front of me hurts me the most,
and seems to enjoy doing it. But what to expect from someone who has the
courage to torture another human being in this way? It could only be such a sick mind,
and believe me. Inside this room I met many. He approached me and extended his hand.
This psychological game of "good" always pisses me off. I stare at him;
He wants me to take his hand, and go back to that sticky hell, to be raped and beaten.
It's an invitation! Definitely an invitation! I note with sadness. And it's a polite invitation.
The hand extended courteously, as if inviting a waltz to dance.
Although I think for a moment, I have no choice. I give him a hand and he goes on taking
me inside. I'm going into that place. In my throat is a scraped scream.
One I've given several times, but I choked him, because it didn't help me.
A scream that I now silence, because I was often silent, and with extreme violence.
People watch these horror movies where a psychopath locks his victim in a barn,
in a basement, holds her in a chair, and knocks, knocks, subject to the unfortunate
to terrible things. This is torture. This is American torture.

And honestly I could condemn that kind of thing, but I can't find any arguments.
It's just me, another victim of the system. But I know how much bombs the
US has prevented from exploding. How many lives were spared!
Children have been saved! Women, men, fathers and mothers and children! Families!
But here I am again, inside this room. And I'm filthy.
The physical filth and the filth of what they do to me. They watch me with hate.

First day at the FBI

Irem is dressed socially, walks in a hurry, but soon stops and watches the large building
in front of her. Must be over 30 floors. Her eyes reach the sky, and then she closes her
eyes trying to stay calm. He thought he had already overcome all the prejudices and
abuses he had suffered in Quantico. She was persecuted by all because she was Arab,
and her teachers gave her harsh punishments when she spoke her language or fought,
demanding her rights. Now he was going to meet Director Tom, he was the one who gave
her the most support. And he'd recruited her for the FBI, but it was only now that the
challenges were even bigger. Taking a deep breath he took courage, and climbed the stairs.
Arriving at the door, a guard stopped her: 

__ Good afternoon! Where do you want to go?
__ I'm going to the Criminal Profiles Department on the 21st floor.
I have a meeting with Principal Tom.
__ Yes, one moment I will confirm. - The guard was watching her very closely.
It seemed he was trying to define his expressions. He hung up the phone and
spoke again to Irem.
__ Nobody answered. Wait a little, please.
__ Tes. -  Irem walked away, letting the people pass, everyone was looking
at her as if she had already been barred by suspicion. Some watched too much,
and it bothered her too much. Irem asked again: 

_ Hi. Ah. Can you ... Can you try talking to him again, please? - she said, her voice low
and very polite.
- Yes, give me a moment, please. But move away, please. -  The guard spoke authoritatively,
for Irem stepped in front of some people who wanted to pass.
__Yes sorry. - Spoke away again, gave a half smile, a little embarrassed. But the man in
front of her didn't return his smile.
__ Some problem? - A man who was coming in asked, but as I fear that Irem is
causing problems. The guard looked at Irem and spoke softly to the Agent.
__ No, just …- they walked away, but not enough, because she could still hear them.
__ You know that we have greater caution with the top floors, because of the secrecy
we have there. And ... all care is little. She said that have a meeting with Principal Tom,
and I need to be able to talk there, and I still can't.
_ So, Let me handle this situation then.-  The guard who was subordinate to
him walked away and nodded his head. Agent Mike approached Irem, who looked
away smiling at him, he also returned the smile. Irem held out his hand in greeting.
He greeted her and identified himself:
_ I'm Ag. Mike Donovan, are you ...?"
__ I'm agent Irem Khoury. - She keep smiled at him, who returned the smile strangely.
__ Do you want to talk to Principal Tom?"
_ Yes, I have a meeting with …-  She stopped noticing the exchange of glances
between the guard and Ag. Mike: _ Is there any problem, Agents? -  she asked, extremely
polite but worried.
_ No...I think not... but here we are very strict about giving permission to the top floors.
They are extremely confidential, because we deal with terrorism, with profiles of very
dangerous criminals. Can you tell me what you want with Principal Tom?
_ I … -  She stared everywhere not knowing how to act. If she should say something.
She was already noticing that she  was suffering prejudice, but she didn't want to get in trouble. __ I'm going to have a meeting with him, I'm a recent graduate, and he asked me to come, to talk. But I already told him that… - She pointed the guard and stopped now even more nervously._ … Twice. - she Completed the phrase, looking at the agent who had the phone in his ear, trying to talk to the 21andar. .

__ Yes, but do you mind if I... before you go there, I inspect you?  - He was sympathetic, but
Irem already knew he was already in the sights of security because he was Arab.
__ But here…? - She was super embarrassed: ___... in front of everyone?
__ Yes, before you come in, please.-  The Agent was serious now. All his sympathy is gone.
Irem felt very humiliated. Another agent approached to try to understand what was happening.
Irem began to get even more nervous.
__ What's going on, Mike? -  They greeted each other, but Mike couldn't take his eyes off
Irem now.
_ Just for safety, I want to inspect this girl. It's her first time at the FBI, and she's wanting
access to 21. I'm just being careful. 
_ Yes, of course. __ The Agent held his hando to Irem, introducing himself__ Agent Collins.
Its everything right? - Irem greeted him with her hands.
__ More or less, I can't understand what all this is? - she was starting to get extremely nervous.

__ Don't worry, it's just a precaution. If you collaborate, we will have no problem.
We have a deal?
Now she swallowed hard trying to understand why they acted that way with her.
He answered after licking his lips in a nervous tic:
__ Yes, but can you try to talk to Principal Tom again, please? - She’s trying to scape from
the inspect. 
_ Yes, but first put your hands on the wall, please. Let's just go over it. And we'll call
Director Tom soon. What do you think? - Ag. Collins say it in a calm voice.
_ Why do you have to inspect me ?! -  she asked nervously now. She was trying to
control herself. _ Please, try to talk to him again, he will confirm. He ask me to come. 
__ I'm trying! - the agent who approached her first spoke impatiently.
__ Do not be nervous! Why are you so nervous !? - Agent Collins asked with a broad smile,
feigning sympathy.
__ I'm not nervous! Just trying to figure it out, because… - She was cut short by Ag. Collins.
_ Can I count on your cooperation, Agent? Just do what I'm asking and it will be over soon.
Forgot we had a deal? Why don’t you want to cooperate? 

Irem looked at the people who now stared at her in fear.
__ I can present my identity. I'm a recent graduate of... and…
_ Please, before we continue this conversation, lean against the wall, reach out, please.
I'm losing a little patience here! Do you have cause problems, Irem? -
He started getting nervous too, and asked worried ..
_ No! - she answered with fear. There were tears in her eyes now. 
__It's all right. But I want to be inspect by a woman.
__ Don't make a case, Irem, please! how many time I have to ask you.
Do what I’m telling you!  And soon we'll call director Tom and it will be all sorted out. - Irem now
wept for the humiliation that passed.
_ I'd rather it was a female agente, please.-  Agent Collins turned Irem on the wall brutally
and he began to inspect her by running his hands over her body, keeping her very
__ Spread your legs, please. Irem spread her legs, and he touched her again, causing
extreme discomfort. He searched her trunk again, touching her arms, belly, and so on.
It was over, and the other agent had inspect her purse and coat. Irem could not contain
the cry now. He returned the belongings to her, who did not face people.
__ Now come to us. - The two surrounded her like a criminal, and were taking her into the FBI.
Irem was taken into a room and waited for someone to appear. She got restless.
And an agent appeared at the door, and said,
__ We can confirm with Director Tom, an agent will accompany you. You are free to go. - 
Irem breathed a sigh of relief and followed with an agent.

Write and Created by Aline Pottier

Women is brutally beaten by 3 men! (Mulher é brutalmente espancada por 3 homens)

00:23 |

man beaten your wife (alzheimer syndrome) homem com alzheimer bate forte na esposa

00:12 |

Husband spank your wife (homem espanca sua esposa covardemente) Mulheres

00:08 |

Sinungaling Mong Puso: Man punch his wife on stomach (homem soca sua esposa no estômago)

21:17 |

Sinungaling Mong Puso: Men abuse of your wife, rape her (Homem violenta sua eposa, abusando dela)

21:16 |

Sinungaling Mong Puso: homem chantagea sua esposa para ela dormir com ele (man blackmailing his wife to sleep with him)

21:15 |

Sinungaling Mong Puso: Homem agride brutalmente sua esposa (men brutally assault you wife)

21:12 |

Sinungaling Mong Puso: Marido abusa da sua esposa que não consegue se defenda (men abuse of your unhelpless wife)

21:11 |

Sinungaling Mong Puso: Men abuse , spank your wife (homem abusa e espanca sua esposa)

21:10 |

Battered Wife in TV Movie Women Violence (violência contra a mulher em filmes)

21:09 |

Homem espanca a esposa violentamente por ciúmes - Refugiados série espanhol Natalia Tena

11:21 |

Man breaks fingers of his wife - Abusive husband extremely domestic violence - Sen Anlat Karadeniz Tv Turkish novel

21:51 |

Come back to me - Katie Walder

17:46 |